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Aug 23, 2023


Have you ever wished to be someone else in order to achieve your dreams? 

It’s not uncommon to think you need to be someone else or get something else in order to get to where you’re hoping to go.  

But what if that’s not true? 

What if you already have everything you need right here and right now? 


Aug 23, 2023


Have you ever struggled to make a change stick? 

Maybe you got it going but somewhere down the line things ground to a complete halt.  

Maybe you were trying to make a change in your life.  

Maybe you were trying to help someone else or your team or your organization to change. 

Whoever it is that you were trying...

Aug 9, 2023

I was floored when I got the text. 




No, not me.  But someone I know. 


Just like that. 


In the blink of an eye, it was over. 


How would you feel if you got that sort of news today? 


Would you be ready for it? 


Most people are neither mentally, emotionally, or financially ready for a...